Similar words: businesslike, business letter, business lunch, business, on business, do business, businessman, big business. Meaning: n. a bank loan granted for the use of a business.
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1. I'd like to arrange a business loan.
2. Midland has a full range of business loans to meet these needs.
3. For your corporation, the loan would be a business loan and the interest would be fully deductible.
4. We have a full range of business loans to suit your needs.
5. Business loan guarantee agreement between the how to write?
6. Helen: Well, apply for a small - business loan and keep your fingers crossed.
7. Do you understand how a business loan can impact your credit?
7. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
8. In addition, banks can business loan portfolios, where credit quality is generally high.
9. The secured small business loan is the best choice to start a small business loan value.
10. The government will have to create a special agency to underwrite small business loans.
11. In the mid-1970s, people had to meet certain unwritten qualifications of race and gender in order to work in the business loan office, the bank's most prestigious department.
12. At the same time, ABC will be an appropriate delegation of small business loan approval authority.
13. Helen: I think his best bet is to secure a small - business loan.
14. What is different, at the present petty loan company were more in the credit from the tight macroscopic environment is placed has solved the small business loan difficult mission.
More similar words: businesslike, business letter, business lunch, business, on business, do business, businessman, big business, mean business, business deal, small business, business suit, out of business, agribusiness, businesswoman, business trust, business cycle, businessperson, business center, business school, business people, business ethics, family business, monkey business, start a business, go out of business, order of business, set up in business, service business, business manager.